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We Cover All Challenges Faced by Our Clients

We bring the key ingredients to make it happen according to Sponsors' expectations

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Project Examples


Complex situation unlocking

Support to Olikiluoto EPR commissionning

Phase 1 (6 months): overhaul of project governance, program restructuring and turnaround, and implementation of effective risk management.


Phase 2 (30 months): overall program management, direct management of several workstreams and skilled secondments.


Results: savings of around €15 million and a 12-month catch-up on the fuel loading schedule.


Cultural and organizational transformation

Quality of working life improvement for an industrial company

Phase 1 - Diagnosis: identification of the causes of wasted time at work and low-value-added tasks.

Phase 2 - Design: co-creation of solutions through workshops.

Phase 3 - Implementation: implementation support.

Results: improved quality of work life and increased time for value-added tasks, perceived by employees.

Train station

Project turnaround

Restoration of the billing ability of a leading transporation player

In the context of the implementation of a new information system that introduces significant disruptions and poses an estimated risk of several tens of millions of euros:

  • Identify and quantify the potential impacts on billing processes.

  • Define a project to mitigate the impacts and implement this project over a six-month period.

Results: maintained ability to bill and billing IT system under sustainable control

Science lab

Post-Merger Integration (PMI)

Post-merger optimization of the distribtion network of a leader player in Health

Following the merger of two leaders and their distribution networks, in ten countries in Asia, Africa and Central America:

  • Field diagnosis.

  • Operational implementation of the group distribution strategy and co-construction of an action plan adapted to each country.

  • Formalization of operational sales aids, training and support at the request of project contacts.

Results: around $5M in synergies generated over the first six months


Cost reduction and operational efficiency

Optimization of costs and performance of a sports equipment manufacturer

To enable the equipment manufacturer to face significant difficulties:

  • Overhaul of the organization and operating methods of support functions.

  • Definition and sizing of an optimized target organization.

  • Identification of performance levers.

  • Definition of the implementation action plan.

Results: recovery of margins via a reduction in costs of more than €10 million at an equivalent level of activity, return to profitability and sustainability of the company

Image de Marvin Meyer

Active PMO, deep involvement in the process

Support to a negotiation process between two insurers

As part of the creation of a joint venture between a traditional insurer and a neo-insurer wanting to position themselves together in a new market segment:

  • Support for negociation.

  • Bridging the cultural gap between the two parties, managing adhesions and points of divergence.


Results: signature by both parties of a Memorandum of Understanding allowing the operational launch of the offer

Some of Our Clients

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“You know what they say about largest consulting firms? I can honestly say the same about you now: Here, nobody would get fired for hiring you.”

Head of Market Intelligence, healthcare company

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